Monday, April 14, 2008

New PS3 Ad Harkens Back to a Holocaustier Time

Apparently yearning to scratch that Nazi nostalgia itch alive in none of us, Sony released this hilariously awful and disgusting piece of advertising.

Click here for the big version!


Anonymous said...

Jesus christ, what the hell is Sony thinking these days?

I can't even tell what the hell is supposed to be going on here. Is it intended to symbolize the crumbling of an old empire of gamers through military might? At least Sony has been consistent in their weirdo, bullshit ad campaigns.

john william said...

Upon closer examination, I notice the "O" button from the Sony control scheme is not represented. Maybe they're fazing it out? Perhaps we'll be treated to another piece where people wearing circles on their clothes get led into a gas chamber.


It would appear that the game characters are in fact building an idol, in their virtual world, the yielder to their power is being worship as a god. Just thought i'd throw in a random observation.

Also the "O" button is a flag/banner on the upper left hand side of the picture

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to test this game, its look like a total Nazi apocalypse, but with a little bit of luck maybe viagra online can make the favor to improve my gamer skills.