Grade: C
Time Spent Playing: 4 hours
Rental Only!
It's difficult to gauge the overall quality of Lost. It's entirely dependent on whether you're a fan of the show. If that isn't the case, then don't even bother reading the rest of the review because there is very little here to warrant playing through for a non-fan. I do, however, make one funny joke, so maybe it's worth your time.
This is pretty much fan-service in interactive form. There's some kind of adventure game tucked away in here but I can't think of better way to describe it than as being gentle-adventure gaming. The backdrops are gorgeous; some of the best graphics I've seen period. The characters models based on the actors we're familiar with range from funny to scary. Micheal reminded me of what the Little Rascal character Buckwheat might have looked like in his teen years had the cast not been put to death by their studio overlords upon reaching puberty.
The story is a mixed bag. While the character's story on the island isn't that engaging and disappointingly ends with a Wizard of Oz twist, the story in his flash backs is interesting because it turns out he was kind of a huge piece of shit in his past life. While games like GTA and Saint's Row have you playing as morally reprehensible jackasses, it doesn't really matter in terms of the viewer's connection to the story because there's a cartoonish detachment to the world and the characters. The story presented in Lost's flashbacks will actually shock you. I distinctly recall thinking to myself, "Wow. What a piece of shit."
The gameplay isn't so much broken as it is boring. The hardest parts are generally when you're making your way to different areas on the island, avoiding the monster and the Others who, in the games biggest departure from the show, spend most of their time hanging out in trees shooting at hapless travelers. You'll also have to do some spelunking, which really isn't that much fun either. To aid you in your quest, you'll barter for useful items like guns and torches with items like chocolate bars and beers that you find as you explore the island.
So I begrudgingly recommend a playthrough for Losties. Do be aware it's not that great of a game. It has some nice visuals and the character may eventually be introduced on the show.
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