I derive a perverse pleasure from comments provided by morons on video games news sites, so I decided to start a regular column where everyone could enjoy them. I can't guarantee how often I'll do this, because it's totally dependent on how often the websites decide to post flame bait.
For my inaugural post on this topic, I've used Joystiq's recent poll over which console players expect to buy GTA4 for. It seems to me there are a few reasonable arguments.
For either:
I prefer the controller
I only own this particular system
More of my friends own this system and I'd like to play with them
I simply prefer to play on this system
Through shady dealings, I'm getting it for this console for free/discounted
Playing online is free
Due to it's largely superior specs, I believe it will be better on PS3
Xbox 360:
Exclusive downloadable content
Custom soundtracks
Though it costs more, Xbox live provides a better experience than PSN
If I left anything out, please forgive me.
Now, let the retardation begin!
phizzy contends:
"Achievements don't make a game better. Certainly don't make a game 'fuller'. They just give you the opportunity to wave your imaginary penis about at internet people."
I often wonder what it's like to one day wake up stupid.
ridgerich79 says: "I really don't care about the multiplayer b/c I haven't been playing my 360 lately."
It's called a non sequitur. Look it up.
He goes on: "I also hope R* doesn't screw up the PS3 ver. like many other 3rd party publishers have done in the past. What am I saying, this is R*, who actually care about the games they make unlike other publishers *cough*EA/Valve*cough*"
Yes. Valve doesn't care about the games it releases.
mystic opines: "God I LOVE you idiots who scream RROD. I only know one other person who owns a PS3 besides me, and guess what, his PS3 DIED ON HIM a week after he got it! It's not so much the 360 is a higher failure rate, it's because the 360 is played more, and it's because you dumb sony fanboys don't go screaming on the internet when it breaks because you LOVE your Sony brand and don't want to tarnish your favorite brand and company. Get a mind of your own kids."
Le sigh.
Of course, I can sort of understand his frustration with posts like this, from "this guy":
"As of now, I'm leaning toward PS3 though because it's a much more reliable system. 360 is always breaking down. "
My Xbox 360 broke down once. Once broken down, it would not play any games. I sent if off and got a repaired one. How exactly do you keep playing a system that is constantly breaking down? Why haven't you sent it back for repair? What does dick taste like?
rc adds: "There is a lot of buzz out there that GTA IV runs and looks better on the PS3."
Yeah. My mom told me while she poured milk into my wheaties.
hdhrant suggests: "There should be 2 more options: Both & Neither."
Show me the person that buys two console versions of a game and I'll show you someone who eats turds for quarters.
please writes: "Xbox owners get 100 hours of comfort
PS owners get future arthritis(unless you have Asian effeminate hands)"
Actually, in burning Asians, this kid is dead on.
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